
ILB Portrait

Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB) was established on 31 March 1992 as an institute incorporated under public law.

As the main promotional institute Investitionsbank supports the State of Brandenburg and other public authorities in the performance of their tasks.

ILB's core business is the promotion of public and private investment projects in trade and industry, labour and the infrastructure and housing construction.

  • In the trade and industry sector we support commercial enterprises, new businesses, the self-employed, farmers and media enterprises
  • In the infrastructure sector we finance infrastructure projects by municipalities, municipal organisations and enterprises and by social, scientific, educational and cultural facilities.
  • In the labour sector, we support employment, education and qualification measures as well as co-operation with and between social partners.
  • In the housing construction sector we promote projects in the municipal, cooperative and private housing sectors and home ownership.

Using funds from the State of Brandenburg, the Federal Government, The European Union and our own funds the ILB can offer grants, loans at favourable interest rates, guarantees, venture and equity capital.


  • ILB Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg
    Tel.: +49331 660-0
    Fax: +49331 660-1234
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