
Annual Report 2014

Leading issue "Plastics and Chemistry"

In 2014, ILB pledged around 1.3 billion euros in subsidies and development loans for more than 6,500 projects for the state of Brandenburg. The good economic results of 2014 and the years before made it possible to provide almost two-thirds of this with ILB's own production products.

The industry, especially the industrial middle class, makes an important contribution to growth, employment and prosperity in Brandenburg. As the promotional bank of the state, we support this development process. In the main topic of the attached Annual Report, we dealt in more detail with the "Plastics and Chemistry" Cluster. We invite you to meet unusual industrial companies from this cluster who are successful in national and international markets.

  • ILB Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg
    Tel.: +49331 660-0
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