
Investment/working capital

Starting up in business also means investing. Setting up, running and expanding a business mean that investment and financing will be needed for plant and equipment as well working capital. ILB offers a wide range of promotional programmes for these cases.

Our promotional programmes for investment and working capital:

(If you are interested in more detailed information regarding the programmes and the application process, please click the respective links in the table.)Primary or sideline business Start-ups

Core programmes

Programme Support subjects Support types
Brandenburg GO
(based on the ERP SME development loan)
  • Within 5 years after foundation:
  • Investments, working capital, stock of goods
  • Start-up
  • Company acquisition and participation
Loan incl. guarantee
- low-interest loan incl. guarantee in the amount of max. 80%
-EU 25,000 to 250,000 per project
- Application via the principal bank to the guarantee bank
GRW-G Growth program for small enterprises
  • Investment in tangible fixed assets
  • Wage costs for 2 years (new high-quality jobs)
  • Intangible assets (limited)
(Support rate of 20% to 45%)
Brandenburg-Kredit Mikro
  • Start-ups and young companies in the first ten years after foundation
  • Company successors
  • Start-ups in main and secondary occupation
  • Business related capital goods and operating resources
- at least EUR 2,000
- maximum EUR 25,000 per project
Brandenburg-Kredit Gründung
(based on ERP- Förderkredit KMU or KfW-Förderkredit großer Mittelstand))
  • Within 5 years after foundation:
  • Investments, working capital, stock of goods
  • Start-up
  • Company acquisition and participation
- up to EUR 25 million per project
- Application via the principal bank
Gründung innovativ 2022
  • Investment in tangible fixed assets
  • Personnel costs for managing directors in an employment relationship
  • Personnel costs for newly created positions
  • Technical development services not provided by the company itself
  • Consulting services of external consultants
EUR 25,000 to 150,000
(support rate of up to 50 %)
ProFIT Brandenburg 2023 Individual and collaboration projects involving technologically new products, services and processes during the following phases:
  • Industrial research (grant)
  • Experimental development (loan)
  • Market preparation and market launch (loan), max. implementation period: 3 years
  • Process and organizational innovations (grant), max. implementation period: 3 years
  • feasibility studies (Grant), max. implementatioen period: 6 month
-Funding through grants is limited to a total of EUR 3 million per application. (Funding rate for total project up to 80%)
-Funding through loans is limited to a total of EUR 3 million per application
Early-phase financing
  • Company foundation
  • Innovation as well as technology and product development
  • Market and product tests
  • Market launch
Equity financing
Open equity and/or equity-like investment for technology-oriented small enterprises (SMEs) in Brandenburg in the seed and start-up phase
(max. EUR 1.5 million)
Financing for growth
  • Market launch and further development of products
  • innovation
  • Company growth
  • Strengthening competitiveness Opening up new markets
Equity financing
Active investments and/or participation-like investments in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Brandenburg during the growth and expansion phase within the scope of co-investments with private investors
(max. EUR 6 million)

Other suitable programmes

Programme Support subjects Support types
Meistergründungsprämie Brandenburg
  • New business start-up, company takeover or active participation as managing director/managing director by master craftsmen in their main occupations
  • Newly created job or apprecticeship place for at least 12 months, connected with a new establishment or acquisition of a company (within the first 3 years of self-employment)
Basic support: EUR12,000
Job: EUR 5,000 or 7,000 when the position is filled with a woman
GRW Market - International
  • Active participation in internationally-oriented trade fairs, exhibitions, information events, symposia, congresses, pitches (also all in virtual format) at home and abroad
  • Active participation in regional and national trade fairs
  • Consulting and coaching with regard to internationalization and market development abroad
Trade fair: max. EUR 15,000 (subsidy rate up to 50%, for start-ups or first-time participation in measures in accordance with point 2.1 of the Rili up to 80%)

Consulting/coaching: up to 20 days per start-up/SME max. daily rate: EUR 1,000 net
100% for the first two consulting days for first-time funding
80% funding rate for start-ups
50% funding rate for SMEs that have been in existence for more than 5 years years)
Brandenburger Innovationsgutschein (BIG-Digital) Preparation and implementation of Digitalization measures (BIG-Digital) Grant
Consulting module: max. EUR 50,000
Implementation module:
max. EUR 250,000
Training module:
max. EUR 50,000
(funding rate up to 50 %)
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