ILB Förderfinder
Finden Sie Ihr passendes Programm für Ihr Vorhaben
Jetzt Förderung findenILB offers promotional funding in the form of grants especially for projects with high capital and cost demands, such as investment or research and development as well as human resources and market development measures.
Grant (support) rates can total up to 100% of the eligible costs of a project and do not have to be repaid subject to certain conditions.
(If you are interested in more detailed information regarding the programmes and the application process, please click the respective links in the table.)
Programme | Support subjects | Support types |
Gründung innovative 2022 |
Grant For each funding item EUR 30,000 to 180,000 (Support rate of up to 60%) |
GRW-G Growth program for small enterprises |
Grant (Support rate of 20% to 45%) |
Meistergründungsprämie Brandenburg |
Grant Basic support: EUR 12,000 Job: EUR 5,000 or 7,000 when the position is filled with a woman |
GRW Market- International 2023 |
Grant Trade fair: max. EUR 15,000 (subsidy rate up to 50%, for start-ups or first-time participation in measures in accordance with point 2.1 of the Rili up to 80%) Consulting/coaching: up to 20 days per start-up/SME max. daily rate: EUR 1,000 net 100% for the first two consulting days for first-time funding 80% funding rate for start-ups 50% funding rate for SMEs that have been in existence for more than 5 years years) |
Brandenburger Innovationsfachkräfte | Employment of:
Grant - Working students: up to EUR 645 per month for up to 12 month - Innovation assistants: up to EUR 1,650 per month for up to 24 months |
Brandenburger Innovationsgutschein (BIG-Digital) |
Grant Consulting module: max. EUR 50,000 Implementation module: max. EUR 250,000 Training module: max. EUR 50,000 (funding rate up to 50 %) |
Weiterbildungsrichtlinie 2022 | External vocational training, including examination fees, for employees of companies based in the federal state of Brandenburg | Grant -Funding rate up to 50 % of the total eligible expenses (minimum funding amount EUR 1.000 per application). -Funding can be granted twice per grantee in a calendar year. The start of the measure is decisive. |
ProFIT Brandenburg 2023 | Individual and collaboration projects involving technologically new products, services and processes during the following phases:
Loan/grant -Funding through grants is limited to a total of EUR 3 million per application. (Funding rate for total project up to 80%) -Funding through loans is limited to a total of EUR 3 million per application. |
JTF-Startgeld KMU |
Grant - Startgeld Lausitz (Just Transition Fund) 70 percent of the flat-rate, eligible expenses - for a maximum of 12 months, up to a total of EUR 24,360 |