Start-up initiatives
In addition to financial support, our entrepreneurship initiatives, i.e. the Businessplan-Wettbewerb Berlin-Brandenburg (BPW) (Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Competition) and Deutsche Gründer- und Unternehmertage (deGUT) (German Founders' and Entrepreneurs' Days), provide support when it comes to developing your business concept along with our expertise and advisory services for people starting up in business.
Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Competition (BPW)
The Berlin-Brandenburg Business Plan Competition (BPW) is the largest regional entrepreneurship initiative in Germany. The many free offers include seminars, consultancy services as well as networking formats and support for founders and start-ups on their journey from the product idea to a viable business concept. Registration is possible at all times. Prize money of more than €50,000 is awarded to the best business concepts.
The BPW competition is organised by Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) and Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB) and is supported by the universities in Berlin and Brandenburg. The BPW is largely financed by funds from premium partners, partners and the organisers' own funds.
The BPW is jointly supported by the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises of the State of Berlin and the Minister of Economic Affairs, Labour, Energy and Climate Action of the State of Brandenburg and funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).
Deutsche Gründer- und Unternehmertage (deGUT) – German Founders' and Entrepreneurs' Days
deGUT is Germany's largest trade show dedicated to starting up in business and entrepreneurship. It takes place each year in October in Berlin.
deGUT is organised by Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB) and Investitionsbank des Landes Brandenburg (ILB). The trade show is jointly supported by the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises of the State of Berlin and the Minister of Economic Affairs, Labour, Energy and Climate Action of the State of Brandenburg and funded by the European Social Fund (ESF).The trade show's patron is Mr Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action.
Sabine Becker
Tel.: 0331 660-1430
Fax: 0331 660-61430
E-Mail Kontakt
Petra Quehl
Strategic Investments/ Start-up Initiatives
Project Coordinator
Tel.: 0331 660-1799
Fax: 0331 660-61799
E-Mail Kontakt